MortuaryTemple of Hatshepsut
The temple has been built through the era the seventh family besides the temple of Mentuhotep. It is characterized by its huge structures and still impressing visitors by its beauty and unique design, it is different from the rest which built in Tiba city on theEast Bank of the Nile river.
It is located on a high cliff near to the west bank of the Nile river, it is also known as " Deir al-Bahri Northern monastery Luxor" and was confined on the worshipping of God Amun Ra`a well known by God of the Sun. it is designed by the architect Senmut, and considering a unique classical building. Where, you can see the extended temple balcony which is full of columns that one is about 97 feet, in addition to towers, squares, halls with a high roof built on it. Inside, you can see the sun hall, small temple, and the altar, also The drawings on the walls which tell the holy birth of the queen Hatshepsut and her business trips to the land of Punt, now Somalia or Arab peninsula.
The temple formation: the ascending way which contains a statues of the queen on its sides, and leading to the temple entrance and the first flat.
The flat is consisting of uncover yard including a group of trees brought by the queen from the land of Punt ( now Somalia) like palm trees which was decorated the yard. And it is noted that there is a remaining of a tree and two of the sacred tubes which Papyrus were grown inside.
To the west side of the first flat, there are two balconies on the right and the left of the temple entrance, every balcony carry 22 columns. Also, there are two 7 meters high status of the queen like God Ozer on the entrance of the way leading to the flat.

To the second flat, an ascending 10 meters way meters limited by a wall on both sides, on the beginning of it, there are two lion status for protecting the entrance, and contains two balconies every one carry 22 columns on the right and the left sides.
Copts have built a monastery on the temple at the beginning of Christianity, and still established till eleventh century, and at the beginning of ninety century, the two archaeologists August Merritt and Edward Naffi have found its remains, and worked together to remove those remains to uncover the temple. Naffi has recorded his contributions largely in a 7 books under the name of "Deir al-Bahri Northern monastery Luxor" between 1984-1898